Catholic Christian Outreach is a national university student movement working with the MUN Catholic Community to offer students great opportunities for faith and leadership development on both a campus level, nationally and internationally. If you are seeking truth, looking to deepen your faith, or are just a curious observer of Catholic Christianity, you are welcome to join us for any of our events. If you would like to receive weekly emails with short updates on upcoming events and opportunities you may simply sign up using the following form. Please note: if you choose not to sign up via this form, you will receive no further emails from MUN Catholic Community. 

We also invite you to consider joining a faith study. The Discovery Faith Study is a great way to explore the Catholic faith in an open, engaging discussion with your peers. The study only takes 1 hour a week (for 6 weeks) and will fit right into your class schedule. If this is something that sounds interesting to you fill out your schedule at and we'll give you a call to let you know if there's a group that works for you. If you have any questions, feel free to contact Eric (986-3480/

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